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    How Poacher Works

    Poacher 2022 has a unique queue busting ticket system. When you arrive, you will be given a shiny new lanyard with two tickets per day clipped on, one for the morning activities and one for the afternoon activities. A ticket will guarantee you access to the corresponding activity during the designated slot. There are over 150 activities on offer, such as African Drums, Go Karting, Kayaking and Sailing. If you don’t have a ticket, don’t worry! The system is flexible with the option of queuing to fill up spaces as they become available. If your friend has a ticket for an activity which you would love to try, that’s great, you can swap! Your subcamp HQ also has a Swap Shop open daily where you can trade your tickets and build your Adventure of a Lifetime.Lanyard


    Deanna Carden

    Deanna Carden

    I’ve been involved with Girlguiding since I was 7 and I am currently a leader with both Guides and Rainbows. Poacher 2022 is my third Poacher having attended as a participant and as part of the Technical Services team before. I am looking forward to learning new skills and hearing the stories my Guides have to tell of their Adventure of a Lifetime.