This week has been an amazing experience for me and many other 50/50 members. There are around 107 participants in the 50/50 programme. On a typical day, I wake up around 8 am and head towards the Epic Centre. I eat breakfast with my Explorer Unit, the White Dragons Explorer Group. We have travelled from South Wales to come to Poacher 2022.
Topics: Insider, Programme, Subcamps, Participation, 14-17, Activities, Featured
The RAF Youth and STEM Team led a one off event on Wednesday for twenty-five lucky Explorers and Rangers. They usually run a national program of STEM engagement across the UK to inspire the younger generation to take up STEM and keep the door open for a variety of STEM careers. (links here)
Topics: Insider, Global Development Village, Participation, 14-17, Activities, Featured
Poacher has so much on offer and it doesn’t end at 5pm, there’s still plenty to do! You can head out and explore with friends or you can take part in a variety of activities laid on every evening.
Topics: Insider, Programme, Participation, 14-17, Activities, Featured
The 50/50 team offers 14-17 year olds the opportunity to come to Poacher as a participant for half of the time and a helper on the staff team for the other half which will enable you to build up your work experience and see what Poacher is like from the other side.
Topics: Staff, Participation, 14-17